"An important decision since 2018 — Sean has a team of 6 MyOutDesk Virtual Assistants."

At first, Sean Tagge was a biomedical engineer who specialized in artificial heart research. His passion to connect with people and solve problems led him to a career change into real estate and turnkey investing.

Today, Sean is Chief Operating Officer & Partner at Memphis Investment Properties. Using his strengths in analytics, research, problem-solving, and engineering, Sean makes extensive use of data to make very informed decisions!

“With so many deals going in and out. Virtual Assistants free up time for me and for the acquisitions & sales managers to do more of the higher-value stuff. (Highest & best use of the people I’m paying.) VAs give them assistance so they can do what they’re best at, which is closing deals.”

Nowadays, the company flips around 300 properties per year and manages over 2,700 doors in Memphis!

He researched the data, and statistically found how answering calls is the key to drive results. With MyOutDesk VAs, they have 90% coverage to answer a call live at any time! If you need help or want to explore some ideas, schedule a free Strategy Consultation today:


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