Many Rohingyan in Melbourne enjoyed and happy as the restrictions are eased now.Ms Asma one of the Rohingyan spoke with SBS Rohingya and shared her expériences. She was telling the Rohingyan community to take precaution and follow the law and order to prevent further spread of COVID-19 and not to take this eased of restrictions for granted. - Rohingya ziin Melbourne ót taaké tara beci kuci oíye pawandi asan goridiyé de yan ólla.Asma ziba Melbourne ót taaké ibaye SBS Rohingya re buzar ibar torjorba biyaram iba soler lotí.Ibayé añarar cómaj óre yan aros goredé ki etihat gori taíbolla ar asan oíyede yan ólla boli lapar waí no goribolla.