Three Rohingyan mothers from Australia preferred to send back their child to school. Sajida one of the mother says while being interviewed by SBS Rohingya that nothing in the world can replace school in delivering education and knowledge to her children.To find out more listen to SBS Rohingya. - SBS Rohingya yé tin zon fuaíndor maa ókkol loí hotá hoíye,SBS Rohingya ki lot faíye hoíle tin zon maaín dé fuaín dore eskul wapes zaíbo de yan behtor buzer.Eçe buttotú maa uggwá hoddé ki eskul ór zaga hono ikkaíyé loí nafaribou fuaíndore fonna elom cikaí bolla.Aro zaínto sáíle fúni so SBS Rohingya.