Finding work for the first time or looking for a new job can take a long time in Australia. So when you finally get called up for a job interview, it's exciting at first, but it can also become quite stressful. The only way to do well during a job interview is to be prepared and have an idea of what to expect. …. asked experts for their tips. - Australiat mazé foíla ekkan ham tuwon beci duk.Akhir ít mazé tuaíbadé ham ór interbíullah dahaíle beci kuci lagé, fuwati-fuwati ocanti yo lagé.Ekan torika asedé bala gori interbíu dibollah yan oíldeki toyari gori rakon interbíu dibolla.Eçe hudun cuwaris ókollo asé mahir asedé itara torfottu.Arzo zaínto saíle fúni so SBS Rohingya.