Myanmar has been accused of perpetrating genocide against its Rohingya Muslim minority in a landmark lawsuit filed at the United Nations’ top court. The lawsuit - filed by the small West African country of the Gambia in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) - accuses Myanmar of breaching the 1948 UN Genocide Convention through a military campaign targeting Rohingya in Rakhine state. The 2017 crackdown forced at least 740,000 Rohingya to flee over the border into sprawling camps in Bangladesh. - Bormar oré yan elzam lagaíyé tara Rohingya musolman hodé itarar oré Genocide curu goíjje de yan ólla.Yan ólla Borma ré Gambia hodé dec yan ye UN or high koóut ot túllé.2017 mazé takriban 7400000 Rohingyattu begor bedec ói border dec ot yani Bangladesh ót dagoú foíjje.Aro zaínto saíle fúni so SBS Rohingya.Zedice ajo apps donlod nogori takila SBS Radia apps iba donlod góro.