Born in 1979 in Burma (now Myanmar), Habiburahman escaped torture persecution and detention in his country. Fleeing first to neighbouring countries in Southeast Asia – where he faced further violence – Habib came to Australia in 2009 by boat. While he was safe, his ordeal was not over. Spending 32 months in various detention centres across the country before being released – Habib is still stateless with no passport. He has a temporary visa and his status remains unresolved. Habib is joining Adelaide writes week 2020 , discussing his memoir – where he collaborated with French journalist Sophie Ansel. “First, They Erased Our Name”, is the very first, first-person account of the oppression of the Rohingya. - Habiburrahman,Burmat zormo oíye 1979 ót ,dec ór zalafura la boli dec felai agiyoí Southeast Asia mazé,eçe yo zala faiye, toíbadé Australiat buth loí aícce 2009. Ajo toklif no fura Habiburrahman ór, hoto garat ót taí aícce ,neíli badé yo ajo dec sara rogiyoí toítta visa lói.Dola óifariba arar apna leíko ya iba loí Adelaide writers week 2020 mazé.