The territory has recorded 9 new locally acquired cases bringing the total number of active cases to 176. Minister for Health Rachel Stephen-Smith says enrolled nurses, student nurses and student midwives will be inducted and trained to give COVID-19 vaccinations ahead of expected increases in vaccine supply. Click here to check your eligibility for the COVID-19 vaccination. - Australian Capital Territory ACT mazé 9 noya loúkel kes oyé beggún ye ehon176 aktif kes asé. Aramiyot ór Minister Rachel Stephen-Smith hoddé enrolled nas , fonna foreddé nas ar doroni boneddé fonna foroya Tara beggún oré cikaí bo ar terenin dibou COVID-19 vaksin maribolla zedice vaksin ór saíplaí beci oílé. COVID-19 ór vaksin ór ofozotto aso naí cek goribolla eçe zaí só.