BRCA would like to cordially invite you and your family to upcoming fundraising event for Australian Bushfire victims and firefighters. Rohingya Traditional food will be served, and all the necessary information will be provided in the event. We sincerely request your participation and support at the event in such critical time. We look forward to seeing you at the event. Thank you. Date: 2nd February 2020 Time: 3:00pm Address: Lakemba Senior Citizen Hall (Lakemba Library) - Assalamualailum BRCA yer torfòttu,onara beggùn ora dawòt diyazar BRCA Bushfire Appeal 2020 ibat aìbolla.Aìcco fura femlì loì añarare bol himmot dibolla. Tarikh:2nd February 2020 Taim3:00pm Address: Lakemba Senior Citizen Hall (Lakemba Library)