Finding workers - let alone finding ones with relevant experience and qualifications - is proving difficult, even as Australia reopens, post-pandemic.


The latest survey by the Bureau of Statistics found that almost a third of businesses surveyed were struggling to find suitable staff.


But a solution to the problem could be employing migrant and refugee workers. 


अस्ट्रेलियाली तथ्याङ्क विभागको एक पछिल्लो सर्वेक्षणले उक्त सर्वेक्षणमा सहभागी झन्डै एक तिहाइ व्यवसायहरू कार्य भूमिका अनुसारका कामदार पाउन सङ्घर्षरत रहेको देखाएको छ।