With the holiday season ahead, many people are in high spirits and looking forward to having a break over summer, despite the ongoing pandemic. According to official data from the website of the Ministry of Health and Elderly Services, the weekly average number of COVID-19 cases for the week of November 22, nationally there were 11,953 cases, 10.7% greater than the number of cases the previous week. The number of cases in NSW alone reached 4,280 cases, up 18.9% from the previous week. Is this increase due to a new sub-variant or are there any other causes? - Menjelang musim liburan, banyak orang yang bersemangat dan menantikan liburan musim panas, meskipun pandemi masih berlangsung. Menurut data resmi dari laman Kementerian Kesehatan dan Layanan Lansia, jumlah rata-rata kasus COVID-19 mingguan untuk minggu tanggal 22 November secara nasional terdapat 11.953 kasus, 10,7% lebih besar dari jumlah kasus minggu sebelumnya. Jumlah kasus di NSW sendiri mencapai 4.280 kasus, naik 18,9% dari minggu sebelumnya. Apakah peningkatan ini karena adanya sub varian baru atau ada penyebab lain?