When asked how she is interested in painting, Dyah Bazhergie said that she used to watch her late grandmother making batik. Dyah is currently exhibiting her works called ‘Culture and Nature’ at the Hunt Club Community & Arts Centre, Deer Park, Melbourne until the 28 of September. During the pandemic Dyah Bazhergie became increasingly aware of her talent in painting and her desire to realise her talent. Dyah explained to Sri Dean the source of her inspirations and the relationships between culture and nature which is the focus of her exhibition. - Saat ditanya akan ketertarikannya pada seni lukis, Dyah Bazhergie mengatakan bahwa dia biasa melihat mendiang neneknya membatik. Dyah saat ini memamerkan karya-karyanya yang bertajuk ‘Culture and Nature’ di Hunt Club Community & Arts Centre, Deer Park, Melbourne hingga 28 September mendatang.