Many young people took to the streets of cities across the world to express their disappointment about proceedings at COP 26.  What about Indonesia?  In October the survey body Indikator Politik Indonesia released the results of a survey conducted to gauge the attitudes of young Indonesian voters about environmental issues. There were some very interesting findings. How common were the attitudes across different geographical and socio-economic settings?


Banyak anak muda turun ke jalan di kota-kota di seluruh dunia untuk mengungkapkan kekecewaan mereka tentang proses di COP 26. Bagaimana dengan Indonesia? Pada bulan Oktober, lembaga survei Indikator Politik Indonesia merilis hasil survei yang dilakukan untuk mengukur sikap pemilih muda Indonesia tentang masalah lingkungan. Ada beberapa temuan yang sangat menarik. Seberapa umumkah sikap di lingkungan geografis dan sosio-ekonomi yang berbeda?