There are growing concerns about our cyber security.  There have been reports of journalists and human rights activists’ phone numbers being on the database of surveillance company NSO.  Furthermore, ransomware attacks against Australian organisations have increased dramatically yet many of the organisations that have been attacked have been secretly paying the ransoms.  What is the right strategy to deal with these threats? 


Ada kekhawatiran yang berkembang tentang keamanan dunia maya kita. Ada laporan nomor telepon wartawan dan aktivis hak asasi manusia berada di database perusahaan surveillance NSO. Selain itu, serangan ransomware terhadap organisasi Australia telah meningkat secara dramatis, namun banyak organisasi yang telah diserang diam-diam membayar uang tebusan. Bagaimana strategi yang tepat untuk menghadapi ancaman tersebut?