There are many reasons why international students want to study in Australia specifically Melbourne, but will they fulfill their expectations? We have two students from Thailand, one Hmong girl and one Thai girl sharing their insights into why they want to study English in Melbourne?


Yeej muaj ntau cov laj thawj ua rau pej kum haiv cov tub kawm xav tuaj kawm ntawm nroog Melbourne teb chaws Australia. Tab sis lawv ho puas yuav muaj peev xwm kawm tau raws li qhov lawv cia siab tseg? Muaj 2 tug ntxhais kawm ntawv ib tug yog Maiv Lag Yaj (Numrin) thiab ib tug yog Chobfa Meephiag uas tuaj kawm ntawv Askiv (English) ntawm nroog Melbourne no tham qhia tias nkawv xav li cas.