Over 5,200 COVID-19 confirmed cases in Australia, Global COVID-19 cases, childcare package during coronavirus outbreak, Australian government wants concrete guidelines between tenants and landlords, Australia will be able to spend up to $200 without pin, Labor doesn't want Australians to draw down their super, qualified Tokyo Olympics will be re-selected. 


Neeg kis tau kab mob coob tshaj 5,200 tus, ntiaj teb cov neeg kis tau kab mob COVID-19, cov nyiaj pab tej chaw zov me nyuam, nom tswv tsis xav kom cov lagluam muag vaj tse sab laj tawm tswv yim txog nyiaj txiaj rau tej neeg ntiav tsev, Labor tsis xav kom neeg Australia rho lawv cov nyiaj superannuation siv, cov neeg qualified mus sib tw Tokyo Olympic 2021 yuav rov qab raug xaiv dua.