Greta Thunberg condemn world leaders of not paying attention toward climate change and not taking action to reduce global greenhouse gas emission, while Australia was not invited by the UN to attend its Climate Action Summit and was criticized that it doesn't do enough.


Greta Thunberg tau tsis pom zoo nrog ntiaj teb tsoom theej tswj cov kev tsis kub siab los nrog daws cov teeb meem huab cua pauv hloov thiab tej pa tsis huv tso paug tsuas rau tej huab cua thiab tej ib puag ncig. Hos teb chaws Australia los kuj tsis raug UN caws mus koom lub rooj sab laj Climate Action Summit thiab tseem raug lwm tus liam tias tsis kub siab los nrog ntiaj teb daws cov teeb meem no.