Many common household items such as mobile phones, TVs, computers, chargers, and other electronic devices, including their batteries, contain valuable materials that can be repurposed for new products. Electronic items we no longer use, or need are considered e-waste. Across Australia, there are government-backed programs available that facilitate the safe disposal and recycling of e-waste at no cost. - Yeej muaj ntau yam khoom ntawm tej cuab yig li xov tooj ntawm tes (mobile phones - smartphones), TV, computers, tej twj sam hluav taws xob, thiab lwm yam twj siv hluav taws xob, suav tej batteries nrog tib si yeej muaj tej khoom uas muaj peev xwm rov qab coj mus tsim ua tej khoom tshiab siv dua. Ces tej khoom siv hluav taws xob uas peb siv tsis tau lawm, los yog tsis xav siv ntxiv lawm yog tej khoom peb hu tias yog e-waste. Thoob teb chaws Australia no ces yeej muaj ntau cov program uas tsoom fwv txhawb nqa kom muaj peev xwm coj tau tej khoom no coj mus pov tseg yam tau txais kev nyab xeeb thiab coj rov qab mus siv dua yam tsis tau them nyiaj dab tsi.