Regardless of your job, requesting for pay increase when you believe you deserve one is an expected part of Australian workplace culture. In some cases, an increase in your salary may even be a legal requirement. Here's the advice from experts that you should consider before initiating a pay conversation with your boss. - Tsis hais koj yuav ua yam hauj lwm dab tsi li, cov kev thov kom nce nyiaj ua hauj lwm ntau tuaj ntxiv thaum yus ntseeg tias tsim nyog yus tau yeej yog ib feem ntawm Australia tej kab lis kev cai ua hauj lwm. Muaj qee cov neeg ces yeej muaj cai tau cov nyiaj hauj lwm raug kev raug cai thiab yuav tau nce kom ntau ntxiv. Ntxiv no yog ib co kev taw qhia ntawm tej kws paub zoo txog tau hauj lwm no uas tsim nyog koj yuav tau txheeb xyuas dab tsi ua ntej yuav nrog koj tus coj tham txog cov kev thov kom tau nyiaj hauj lwm ntau tuaj ntxiv no.