If no attention is paid to gout, health consequences are inevitable. That is the main reason why Dr. Richard Day the lead researcher who collaborated with other organizations to create the 'My Gout App' to help people who suffer this condition in silence.


Yog tsis kub siab los tiv thaiv, pov puag thiab kho cov mob taw vwm ces yauv muaj tau teeb meem muaj mob cuam tshuam lwm yam rau koj yam yuav dhia tsis dhau. Yog li ntawd Dr. Richard Day thiaj tau coj nws pab kws teeb txheeb koom nrog lwm cov koom haum, tej neeg mob thiab cov kws kho mob los tsim ib lub application (App) hu ua 'My Gout' coj los pab tej neeg raug cov teeb meem no.