Sydney Airport, Australia Federal Police and Anti-Slavery Australia are launching a pilot campaign against forced marriage called "Project Skywarp" targeting millions of passengers traveling to and from Sydney Airport in the hope to raise awareness about this issue. However, advocates who help the victims questions the effectiveness of this program saying it is too late.


Sydney Airport, tub ceev xwm teb chaws Australia (Australia Federal Police) thiab Australia lub koom haum tawm tsam tsis pub tej neeg raug yuam ua qhev (Anti-Slavery Australia)  tau tsim ib cov program hu ua "Project Skywarp" coj los qhia kom tej neeg tuaj txawv teb chaws tuaj los yog yuav tawm ntawm Australia uas yav dav hlau ntawm Sydney Airport los yog tuaj tsaws ntawd paub zoo txog cov teeb meem yuam tej ntxhais ua nyab kom sawv daws paub txog cov teeb meem no. Tab sis kuj tau muaj ib cov koom haum uas pab tej poj niam rau tej teeb meem no hasi tias cov kev taw qhia no lig dhau lawm xyov puas yuav pab tau dab tsi.