Heavy penalty will be applied to those oversea tourists, international students and Australians returning from their holiday who bring products that contaminated African Swine Fever to Australia. In the worst-case scenario involving the visitors, visa duration of stay will be reduced, visa canceled and refused entry when upon arriving in an Australian airport.


Nom tswv yuav rau nplua tej neeg tsis hais cov neeg txawv teb chaws tuaj ncig Australia, pej kum haiv cov tub kawm, cov neeg Australia ncig txawv teb chaws rov qab los tsev yog tseem nqa tej khoom uas tsim los ntawm tej nqaij npuas ntawm cov teb chaws uas muaj cov kab mob African Swine fever ntawd. Yuav ua rau tej zaum nom tswv tsis pub tus neeg ntawd nyob ntev, yuav rau nplua hnyav, tej zaum yuav tsis pub visa rau siv thiab ntiab rov qab thaum tuaj txog ntawm Australia tej tshav dav hlau.