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From Mitchell Theatre at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, AL with host Richard Sher

Stereo Left: Carolyn Faye Fox, Arnie Reisman, Paula Lyons

Stereo Right: Tony Kahn, Lenore Shannon, Barry Nolan

Music: The Herb Trotman Band


Round 1: Melded Music Song Titles

Round 2: Backward Bromides

Round 3: Reverse Order

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From Mitchell Theatre at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, AL with host Richard Sher

Stereo Left: Carolyn Faye Fox, Arnie Reisman, Paula Lyons

Stereo Right: Tony Kahn, Lenore Shannon, Barry Nolan

Music: The Herb Trotman Band


Round 1: Melded Music Song Titles

Round 2: Backward Bromides

Round 3: Reverse Order