Psychotherapists Tracy Zboril, M.S.W. and Cara Hewett, M.A., have developed The Soul Happy Technique by utilizing their many years of experience in counseling and therapy. Trained in the traditional therapeutic models that can be time-consuming and costly with results that are often unsustainable, they by-passed the analytical conscious mind and did research into the field of neuroscience and educated themselves further on how the mind works – how it stores and processes memories and how the brain is capable of rewiring itself, allowing us to reprogram our mind. By tapping into the subconscious mind and reprogramming the negative feelings stored there, this technique helps to alleviate anxious and insecure feelings that we may have experienced as part of our everyday lives. Now the brain can be conducive to productivity and positivity and can alleviate poor failures and disappointments that have been built up in the mind.