Previous Episode: News Patch v6.30
Next Episode: News Patch v7.14

Is CS:GO Hemorrhaging Players? [Link]

The average player-count for CS:GO dropped about 17% over the month of June; The biggest loss of players since April 2018, per SteamCharts

This loss of about 110k players in June is now the third largest loss in a single month since the game came out in Q3 of 2012

Why the number-talk? Well, some speculation says this could be blamed on Valve’s decision to start charging for Prime matchmaking.

Could also be due to all of the other popular FPS contenders out there, but I find that hard to believe.

CS:GO and its predecessors have always been a game I go back to. It’s simply a classic.

However, engaging the ol’ Money Grab Mode on a game that’s already 9 years old, and with a very dedicated fanbase, would make me think about jumping ship for good too!

We Can Haz RTX 3080s?! [Link]
Thanks to the crackdown by China on crypto mining, large amounts of RTX cards may be going up for sale on reseller sites soon

Hong Kong-based news allegedly found talks between cryptocurrency mining groups on the Taiwanese bulletin board ‘PTT’ that show large quantities of GeForce RTX 30-series and AMD Radeon RX 6000-series graphics cards being prepped for resale

While noted that some miners under-volt their cards to increase their lifespan, many people would advise against buying these used mining cards due to them being ran constantly at high load

Personally, though, I would buy one if they are sensibly priced. I’ve already put quite a few miles on my 2070 and it’s fine. Plus, you’d be getting a 3080!

Kojimasoft [Link]

In case you haven’t noticed, we love/hate Kojima news around here.

Tech news site VentureBeat has informed us all that Hideo Kojima and Microsoft have reached an agreement on July 1 to "work out the details" for a new Xbox game.

This agreement is just a precursor to an ACTUAL deal to follow later.

Microsoft has started preparing for this ‘future game’ from Kojima Productions by opening up access to some of their “technologies” that will be used to develop the game.

As usual, no details whatsoever have been revealed about this game, but IT’S KOJIMA!


CSGO player count drops

I can haz RTX 3080?


Nice chest armor: D4 character creator


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