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News Patch v6.23

Resident Evil Village DLC

From Capcom’s underwhelming E3 conference, we go the announcement of RE:V DLC being developed

NO details though! As always, there are tons of what-ifs out there on the interwebs.

Abandoned. Silent Hill. Kojima-san-Hasan?!

As any thirsty Silent Hill fan probably already knows, BlueBox Game Studio has been working on an upcoming horror-adventure called Abandoned. Ok.. and??

Thanks to Reddit (mostly), theories have caught on fire regarding this game secretly-but-not-so-secretly being the next in the Silent Hill franchise.

However, Hasan from BlueBox tweeted a short video on 6/22 stating that they are plain-and-simply an indie dev studio working on a passion project. Abandoned is NOT Silent Hill.

Naturally, some of the Silent Hill Overzealous are saying that Hasan is deflecting just to keep things under wraps. What do you think?

Diablo 2: Resurrected Info Bit

We now have an actual release date of Sept 23, 2021!

The game will cost $39.99 on PC

Reminder this is not a remake, but simply a remaster. Other than new 3D graphics and Dolby audio, this will largely be the same game. Nostalgia from 2000, yes!

New World Alpha Update

Amazon Games seems to be pumping out, or at least revealing, quite a bit of new content as of late for New World as release creeps up.

New armor appearances and tiers

Mob groups being split up for identification’s sake, dropping different armor/weapon appearances

2 new mission types: Assassinate and Elite.

Assassinate missions: You'll simply find a high-level target somewhere in the world and kill them.

Elite missions: Players will challenge some of the strongest enemies in New World. "Elite missions send players to take on Aeternum's most dangerous villains and their minions. These missions are higher difficulty with a higher reward. It's recommended that you bring a friend."

War Declarations have been updated to give the most active companies a higher chance to be selected as Vanguard for the region.

PVP is also seeing some changes. Amazon reduced gear durability loss on death and increased XP for player kills.

It also seems New World is reversing some of the XP tweaks it made with the last update by reducing the XP needed to level after level 7 by 20%. XP gained from repeatable Expedition quests has been doubled as well as tweaked the XP gain from the different crafting professions (some items were giving disproportionate XP).



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