Previous Episode: News Patch v2.24
Next Episode: News Patch v3.17

News Patch v3.3

Valheim Hits 5M! [Link]

5M copies sold in 1 month!

New latency reduction patch

Big help on dedicated servers

Diablo 2 Alpha [Link]

No dates, but you can sign up now

Single-player technical alpha first

Second alpha which a multiplayer stress test

Release date later this year

WoW Raid Diff Adjustments [Link]

Adjustments to Castle Nathria and Sanguine Depths - easier overall

Not going over each change. Patch notes in links.

Echoes the raid difficulty adjustments that followed Shadowlands release AND WoW Classic: Naxxramas patch!

Are they not beta testing enough? Seems like a repeated issue.

BDO 5th Anniversary (3/2) [Link]

5 years since release in the West

Celebrated with streams and new dungeon announcement

I played this game hard at release. Crazy to think how fast it’s gone.

Pearl Abyss (devs) took over publishing from their previous publisher, Kakao Games, for BDO in the West back in Nov 2020. My 31st deadline for char xfers



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