Many people with hyperthyroidism take anti-thyroid medication, and many with Hashimoto’s take thyroid hormone replacement. Despite that, it’s not uncommon for people to be cautious about both of these routes.

Even though I chose the alternative route when I dealt with Graves’ disease, there is a time and place for thyroid medication, and for some people, it is truly necessary.

Today, I’m talking about the risks versus benefits of anti-thyroid medication and thyroid hormone replacement, when it’s necessary to take these, common dosing recommendations, and alternative options.

In this episode, you’ll learn:
- Circumstances where anti-thyroid medication is prescribed
- Why methimazole is prescribed more often than PTU
- Recognizing that herbs can be effective, but they are not the right solution for everybody
- Dosing considerations for anti-thyroid medication
- Alternatives to anti-thyroid medications
- Most common situations where doctors prescribe thyroid hormone replacement
- Different types of thyroid hormone replacement
- Risks versus benefits of taking thyroid hormone replacement
- Why it’s crucial for each person’s needs to be evaluated on an individual basis
- Dosing of thyroid hormone
- Why it’s best to speak to a practitioner when considering alternative treatment methods

As always, I hope you find this episode valuable, and I look forward to catching you in the next episode!

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