“Most things are reversible if you're willing to put in some effort.” - Dr. Florence Comite

When we invest in our health, it pays off in spades. By diving deep into your family history and genetics and committing to the foundations of good health, like exercise, sleep, and stress management, you can preserve your health and reduce the impact of aging on the body.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution, and it’s not about perfection. The key is to recognize the individual needs of your body and use that to inform your choices moving forward.

Today, I’m joined by precision medicine expert Dr. Florence Comite to explore the topic of healthy longevity and hormone optimization. Florence is world-renowned for her expertise in predicting, preventing, and reversing chronic disease and the disorders associated with aging.

In this conversation, Florence and I discuss the importance of personalized healthcare, the role of data in creating individualized health plans, how genetic testing can be used to tailor health recommendations, critical biomarkers of optimal health, the intricacies of hormone optimization, how we can be proactive in managing our health, the use of precision medicine to improve health outcomes and reverse aging, and more. Enjoy the episode!

To learn more, visit the show notes at https://savemythyroid.com/podcast/reverse-aging-and-optimize-hormones-with-dr-florence-comite-128/.

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