“There’s no line separating good foods and bad foods. All foods lie on a spectrum.” - Dr. Sarah Ballantyne

Food is more than energy. From vitamins and minerals to fatty acids and more, nutrients are critical in all the chemical reactions that keep us alive. To keep up with this demand, we must continuously replenish our body’s nutrient stores from our foods.

Unfortunately, the nutrient density of our food is on the decline, meaning many of us are not getting all the nutrients we need to be healthy despite having enough food. Without sufficient resources, our body systems are under strain, and we’re at risk for long-term health problems.

By better understanding these nutrients and our bodies’ needs, we can make informed choices. That’s why today’s guest, Dr. Sarah Ballantyne, developed Nutrivore, a dietary concept or set of principles focused on getting the nutrients we need from the food we eat. At its core, it’s about developing a sustainable, higher-quality diet that gives us what we need to thrive.

In this conversation, Dr. Sarah and I discuss the Nutrivore principles, the concept of nutrient density and why it matters, how the Nutrivore score works, the value of a diverse diet, common misconceptions about certain foods, the roles of macronutrients and micronutrients, balanced eating patterns, sustainable nutrition practices, and more. Enjoy the episode!

To learn more, visit the show notes at https://savemythyroid.com/podcast/applying-nutrivore-principles-with-dr-sarah-ballantyne-150/.

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