Welcome to the first ever Community Trivia Match hosted by the Save Greendale Committee podcast! This has been edited for time but if you want to watch the original live stream check it out on YouTube!

In today's match, Save Greendale Committee veteran member Bo will be facing off against newcomer Aaron. These two Community fans will test their knowledge, passion, and adoration for Community by answering questions about all six seasons, our favorite characters, and the cast and crew who gave it all to us.

The rules for this competition are inspired and adapted from the Movie Trivia Schmoedown. Subscribe to them for the premiere Movie Trivia League of the world:

Check out the Movie Trivia Schmoedown on TwitterInstagram, and YouTube

Please rate, review, and subscribe after you listen and be sure to follow us all-around the internet:

Save Greendale Committee:

@SGC_Podcast on Twitter and Instagram


@ewillshireprime on Twitter and Instagram

Edward Willshire on YouTube


Welcome to Greendale, you're already accepted! On this retrospective podcast we revisit an episode of Community every week to look at both the good and the bad to explore how our love for the show has evolved over the course of this passed decade. Watch along with us as we attempt to Save Greendale one episode at a time.


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