We're back with the BIG finale of the Savage Worlds RIFTS actual play of SPF's Enter the Odd Squad. If you missed the first part, give it a listen now.

Before we get to the finale, our RIFTS veterans share their fond memories of world-destroying character builds from the old school Palladium rule set, and SPF hints at upcoming projects (Prowlers & Paragons) he has on the back burner, which will be coming to kickstarter later this year.

00:09:30 - Act 3 Begins

We’re back with the BIG finale of the Savage Worlds RIFTS actual play of SPF’s Enter the Odd Squad. If you missed the first part, give it a listen now.

Before we get to the finale, our RIFTS veterans share their fond memories of world-destroying character builds from the old school Palladium rule set, and SPF hints at upcoming projects (Prowlers & Paragons) he has on the back burner, which will be coming to kickstarter later this year.

00:09:30 – Act 3 Begins