In this episode we reveal some of the behind the scenes not-so-secrets of what equipment we use to record the show;  character advancement pace; and how to decide which NPCs are Wildcards, Henchmen, and Mooks.

Fuchs and I are both enthralled with a Deadlands actual play podcast called Sounds Like Crowes [RSS].  We're interviewing the GM and Host, Caleb Sundsted, next week, so give it a listen now so you're ready for our deep dive in to Season One.

Savage Worlds Kickstarters:
Larry Elmore's Soverign Stone for Savage Worlds Kickstarer
Lankhmar Savage Seas of Nehwon Kickstarer
Flash Gordon Savage Worlds Late Pledge

The Defiant Ones: Jimmy Iovine and Dr. Dre on Netflix


In this episode we reveal some of the behind the scenes not-so-secrets of what equipment we use to record the show;  character advancement pace; and how to decide which NPCs are Wildcards, Henchmen, and Mooks.

Fuchs and I are both enthralled with a Deadlands actual play podcast called Sounds Like Crowes [RSS].  We’re interviewing the GM and Host, Caleb Sundsted, next week, so give it a listen now so you’re ready for our deep dive in to Season One.

Savage Worlds Kickstarters:

Larry Elmore’s Soverign Stone for Savage Worlds Kickstarer

Lankhmar Savage Seas of Nehwon Kickstarer

Flash Gordon Savage Worlds Late Pledge


The Defiant Ones: Jimmy Iovine and Dr. Dre on Netflix