While David is off in the wilderness hunting Sasquatch, Chris and Christopher talk Tacticon 2017 and What You Really Really Want to see in a Savage Worlds setting when it comes to adventure content.

If you joined us for Savage Saturday Night you could have walked away with one of these excellent prizes from our generous sponsors.  If you missed out, you can pick them up now and play what all the cool kids are playing:

Ancient World Setting Book
Ancient World: Bestiarum Vocabulum
Heart of Darkness
Camp Wicakini
Milecastle 42
Wellstone City
Winter Eternal Setting Book
Winter Eternal 8 Cities Adventures
Winter Eternal Waste Lands
Blackwood Errantry Codex
Evil Beagle S.W. Digital Bundle
Vigilantes: Rise of the Powerless

For the bulk of the show, we discussed when settings really need a Plot Point Campaign, or when separate adventures and an adventure generator are sufficient to flesh out a system.

If you'd like to join us for GenghisCon 2017, coming up this February 15th to 18th, you can submit your games now.

Gilbert Gallo will be joining us as a special guest all the way from Italy!

If you want to become a member of the Rocky Mountain Savages in time to get your custom shirt and dice and super bennie at Genghis, you can join via paypal at the RMS website.

If you haven't yet climbed aboard our new Savage Worlds Pirate setting: Buccaneer Through Hell and High Water, you can join over 800 other swashbucklers and pre-order the setting and other goodies now.

Appearing: Chris Fuchs, Christopher Landauer
Intro: Derek Johnson
Music: Jib
Editing: David Garrett

While David is off in the wilderness hunting Sasquatch, Chris and Christopher talk Tacticon 2017 and What You Really Really Want to see in a Savage Worlds setting when it comes to adventure content.

If you joined us for Savage Saturday Night you could have walked away with one of these excellent prizes from our generous sponsors.  If you missed out, you can pick them up now and play what all the cool kids are playing:

Ancient World Setting Book

Ancient World: Bestiarum Vocabulum

Heart of Darkness

Camp Wicakini

Milecastle 42

Wellstone City

Winter Eternal Setting Book

Winter Eternal 8 Cities Adventures

Winter Eternal Waste Lands

Blackwood Errantry Codex

Evil Beagle S.W. Digital Bundle

Vigilantes: Rise of the Powerless

For the bulk of the show, we discussed when settings really need a Plot Point Campaign, or when separate adventures and an adventure generator are sufficient to flesh out a system.

If you’d like to join us for GenghisCon 2017, coming up this February 15th to 18th, you can submit your games now.

Gilbert Gallo will be joining us as a special guest all the way from Italy!

If you want to become a member of the Rocky Mountain Savages in time to get your custom shirt and dice and super bennie at Genghis, you can join via paypal at the RMS website.

If you haven’t yet climbed aboard our new Savage Worlds Pirate setting: Buccaneer Through Hell and High Water, you can join over 800 other swashbucklers and pre-order the setting and other goodies now.

Appearing: Chris Fuchs, Christopher Landauer

Intro: Derek Johnson

Music: Jib

Editing: David Garrett