Hail Savages!

Coming to you from the foot of the majestic Rocky Mountains -- Denver, Colorado -- it’s the SavageCast. A Savage Worlds podcast brought to you by the Rocky Mountain Savages. Your hosts, Chris “Savage Mommy” Fuchs and Christopher “Savage Bull” Landauer spill their guts and read the entrails to divine what is in store for you in future episodes.

Find out how our hosts got into gaming, what led them to Savage Worlds, and where they got their nicknames.

They also welcome special guest, Matthew Rowles, from EvolutionCons to discuss GenghisCon 2016, which will be the largest Savage Worlds convention in history with a record setting 100+ events.

So much savagery we had to use the word "Savage" no less than 11 times in this post alone.

Appearing: Chris Fuchs, Christopher Landauer, Matthew Rowles
Credits: Introduction by Derek Johnson, Music by Mike Willard, Editing by Chris Sniezak

Hail Savages!

Coming to you from the foot of the majestic Rocky Mountains — Denver, Colorado — it’s the SavageCast. A Savage Worlds podcast brought to you by the Rocky Mountain Savages. Your hosts, Chris “Savage Mommy” Fuchs and Christopher “Savage Bull” Landauer spill their guts and read the entrails to divine what is in store for you in future episodes.

Find out how our hosts got into gaming, what led them to Savage Worlds, and where they got their nicknames.

They also welcome special guest, Matthew Rowles, from EvolutionCons to discuss GenghisCon 2016, which will be the largest Savage Worlds convention in history with a record setting 100+ events.

So much savagery we had to use the word “Savage” no less than 11 times in this post alone.

Appearing: Chris Fuchs, Christopher Landauer, Matthew Rowles

Credits: Introduction by Derek Johnson, Music by Mike Willard, Editing by Chris Sniezak