Part 1: Discussing time as a concept and why we think it’s worth tackling in film, include synchronic primer etc.

A: Overview of Rules and Mechanisms

B: Why it’s tantalizing in general

C: Why it’s tantalizing for the industry

D: Missing potential 

Part 2: What we liked about Tenet

A: Visuals and Audio/Style

B: Concept and Story

C: Acting 

D: Balls 

Part 3: Our criticisms of Tenet

A: General structure of film

B: Audio

C: Nuances

D: Concept/Script

Part 4: How it fits within Nolan’s catalogue and the impact of the film on the industry

A: The Nolan formula and its conclusion. All Nolan Films

B: Action films that could benefit from Nolan’s creative liberties/Marvel

Part 5: Hint towards an Ari Aster dedicated episode

A: Hereditary, Midsommar, Ari Aster’s style, Old school inspiration

B: Energy and lack of factory processing