The great thing about the pursuit of success is everyone gets to define what success means to them. A million $$, a hundred million $$, work/life balance, serving others, etc.....? But don't stop there! What are you going to do with that success once you have achieved it? Let's talk about it. I have a few ideas and an example of someone doing it right. Flashback episode, originally posted on 6/2/2018.

It's Saturday. I'm in the office. This is the Saturday Morning Hustle podcast for anyone willing to come in early, stay late or hustle on the weekend to be successful. No hyperbolic hustle culture, just brutally honest, straightforward business advice and motivation every Saturday for entrepreneurs, business owners or anyone pursuing success. You can't just work 9 - 5 Monday through Friday and hope to become the next big thing. You gotta work smart, work hard and put in extra effort while everyone else is sleeping, playing games or wasting time. Maximize bonus time to get more work done. Listen, watch, stream, subscribe or learn more at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠