Balance is the most important skill in business and life. So important, we're doing a two-part review of the 24-part bonus series on the #SaturdayMorningHustle in 2021 and 2022 that addressed issues that challenge all entrepreneurs, business owners, career builders and decision-makers. "How to balance what seems to be contradictory viewpoints” in business and personal life. More than work/life balance, we examine a variety of “this or that” scenarios. Today will be a brief review of season 2 (2022) topics and links for you to dive deep into each of the full episodes. We reviewed season 1 (2021) last week.

Balance Series on Spotify ⁠⁠

Balance Series on YouTube ⁠⁠

Balance Series on Apple Podcasts Season Two

Ep13 Mentoring Others vs. Being Mentored

Ep14 Client/Boss Wants vs. Needs

Ep15 Collaboration vs. Idealistic Visionary vs. Not Giving A F*@% About Other People's Opinions

Ep16 Self-Improvement vs. Market Competition

Ep17 Marketing Strategy vs. Product Fit

Ep18 Market Demand vs. Disruption

Ep19Business Plans vs. Protocols & Strategy vs. Tactics

Ep20 In-House vs. Third-Party

Ep21 Imposter Syndrome

Ep22 Smartest Person Or The Wrong Room

Ep23 Management via Economic Reality vs. Guidance via Vision, Mission and Values

Ep24 Can You Balance Everything?

It's Saturday. I'm in the office. This is the Saturday Morning Hustle podcast for anyone willing to come in early, stay late or hustle on the weekend to be successful. No hyperbolic hustle culture, just brutally honest, straightforward business advice and motivation every Saturday for entrepreneurs, business owners or anyone pursuing success. You can't just work 9 - 5 Monday through Friday and hope to become the next big thing. You gotta work smart, work hard and put in extra effort while everyone else is sleeping, playing games or wasting time. Maximize bonus time to get more work done. Listen, watch, stream, subscribe or learn more at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠