Today we discuss the process all Creative professionals go through. I call it the "Blank Page" Theory. You start with a blank sheet of paper. Write down where you are, point A. At the other end of the paper, write down where you need to be, point B. This can be used for creating art, design or solving a problem. Now, start adding to your point A. What do you have in place (assets), what are you trying to accomplish, why are you doing it, etc. Then, do the same for point B. What's the finished product? A painting, a brochure, a website, a better mousetrap maybe? Now, without preconceived notions or "how we've always done it" excuses start connecting A to B. This is the what, how, when, etc. in problem solving. For art, it's a sketch, then a base layer, then the details, etc. the process is still the same. Start with nothing. No BS or reasons why you can't do it. Just work towards your goal. Good luck! See you next week.