A central theme of my last four new client orientations (for The Golding Group) has been the function of Branding and Marketing as a filter to the sales funnel, not a catch-all. Too many people want their brand, marketing, advertising and PR to be "everything to everyone" which is a mistake. The best business marketing sets expectations for exactly what your business provides (and doesn't) how your product/service operates (and doesn't) and why EXACTLY they should be spending their money to acquire it. Everything else is just fluff. Focus on setting and meeting expectations with a realistic approach to your branding, highly focused marketing and disciplined operations create efficiency and effectiveness in your sales process. More conversion, less cost per customer and better overall profit potential. Let your branding and marketing create a sales pipeline, not a funnel. Stay focused from the beginning. Best of luck! #SaturdayMorningHustle #Advice