Did you know this week was Global Entrepreneur Week? I attended multiple GEW events every day in Oklahoma City based on entrepreneurism about promoting, supporting and developing entrepreneurs here in Oklahoma as part of the GEW Global Entrepreneur Week. So today, I want to talk to you about the similarities, differences and misconceptions about what an entrepreneur is and what a business owner is, how they go together and how they are different.

A lot of people confuse, conflate and misuse the terms “entrepreneur” and “business owner” as something that is synonymous with each other. They feel like it's the same thing, and that's not exactly true. There are some distinct differences. So let's go through that today. Obviously, a lot of entrepreneurs are business owners.

I am an entrepreneur and I am a business owner. I started my first business when I was a teenager and I have continuously owned one or more businesses in the last 37 years since I started my first business at 15. When I started that first business, I didn't understand what being an entrepreneur was. I didn't know I was being an entrepreneur. I did not know what being entrepreneurial meant. But I eventually learned those things and now I have a really good grasp on what it means to be an entrepreneur. Let's talk about it on the podcast today!

It's Saturday. I'm in the office. This is the #SaturdayMorningHustle podcast. Listen while your competition is still sleeping. ⁠⁠https://bit.ly/ListenToSMH