Something struck me recently about the changing ideas of what makes one an entrepreneur, hustler, influencer, business leader, etc.... This last week I've interviewed a few entrepreneurs, hosted a small business/entrepreneur event and been in multiple meetings. Every time, I looked at the people involved and realized there was no "set" type of person. Old, young, male, female, suit-and-tie or jeans and a t-shirt types. All types of people, pursuing their career or other passions while trying to find ways to make it all work. That's the common bond - making your "thing" work because that's what you want to do with your life. From that, comes the common traits of successful people. Drive, determination and work ethic. You gotta want it and you gotta be willing to work for it. Not just long, hard hours but odd, not convenient hours.

Are you willing to do more than "the other guy/girl" to be successful? That's what really matters. Not what you look like, where you came from, what your favorite band is or how "cool" you are. That's the common denominator. Good luck, see you next week!