The most practical advice I can give you on the #SaturdayMorningHustle is this: Start every idea, project or promotion the same way you build a business. Begin with the best idea possible. Don't be an "us too" offering but really find something new or a new way to do it. Make sure that idea solves a problem for people. That makes it valuable, something people will pay you for. Set your idea apart, differentiate what it is, how it works, how you deliver it, etc.... Do all of this with your audience wants and needs in mind, not your wants (or ego). If you do that, you will have something people are willing to pay for, delivered the way they want. Last but not least, make sure it's profitable. That profit will pay back startup cost and keep you going when things are not working perfectly. If everything goes well, profit will make it possible to expand. Measure, adjust, do it all again - just better.