Roller coasters are supposed to be fun because you get to climb to the top of the track, look around at everything and then all-of-a-sudden whoosh your diving downward at top speed. Twist, turns and even loops. That's great fun at an amusement park but not when running a business. A metaphorical roller coast ride as an entrepreneur is having an epic high like a new client, big check or other great success but then what goes up must also come back down. Often in business, these highs and lows happen in the same week. That's the roller coaster. 

So, what do you do? Strive for a more predictable middle. Avoid making decisions when you're at the very top or very bottom. Understand that neither the euphoria of wins or the dread of a loss (taking an "L") is permanent. Predictability is key to a successful business, so go after those highs to balance the lows (it happens to everyone, not just you) but work towards consistency. The roller coaster is a lot of fun, but it's exhausting at the same time. If you want a long, healthy career try staying off the roller coaster or at least try to make it a short ride. 

Don't think you're bulletproof when you are on top and don't quit just because you came crashing back down. Balance yourself and understand we all take this ride from time to time. 

Good luck! See you next week. May the forth (5/4/19) be with you. It's Saturday, I'm in the office so it must be the #SaturdayMorningHustle.

#RiseAndGrind #EvenOnTheWeekend #WorkSmart #WorkHard