The dramatically unexpected arrival of David Bowie's album The Next Day has made grown men and women weep with excitement, following 10 years of recording silence. Is it the classic his fans would all like it to be?

Helen Mirren plays the Queen again - this time on stage, following her Oscar-rewarded performance in Stephen Frears' film - in The Audience, directed by Stephen Daldry, which dramatises her weekly sessions with the Prime Minister of the day.

Steven Soderbergh's film Side Effects is said to be his last: a psychological thriller about the unexpected results of an antidepressant. Is all it seems in this twisting tale?

Kate Atkinson's latest novel, Life After Life, imagines the life of her heroine Ursula lived - and then re-lived in many different ways. Does Atkinson still make us care about her heroine's fate?

And there's a BBC1 remake of The Lady Vanishes starring Tuppence Middleton and Tom Hughes; can it stand comparison with Hitchcock's classic original? The reviewers this week are the novelist Alex Preston and the writers Jim White and Maev Kennedy.

Presented by Tom Sutcliffe.

Produced by Sarah Johnson.