Steve Coogan is back and stars in the film Alan Partridge: Alpha Papa; which portrays the events of the greatest low-to-high ebb spectrum in Alan's life to date, namely how he tries to salvage his public career while negotiating a violent turn of events at North Norfolk Digital Radio.

Had an accident at work? Tripped on a paving slab? Cut yourself shaving? You could be entitled to compensation. In Nick Payne's new play The Same Deep Water As Me, Andrew and Barry at Scorpion Claims, Luton's finest personal injury lawyers, are the men for you. When Kevin, Andrew's high school nemesis, appears in his office the opportunity for a quick win arises. But just how fast does a lie have to spin before it gets out of control?

David Walliams, Frances de la Tour and Catherine Tate star in new BBC TV sitcom series Big School. Walliams is Mr. Church, a long-term teacher on the point of handing in his resignation when a new attractive French teacher arrives and re-ignites his interest in staffroom affairs.

Award winning novelist Nadifa Mohamed's latest book The Orchard of Lost Souls draws on her own family history, set in Northern Somalia in 1987 and a town that waits while rumours of revolution travel on the dry winds. Through the eyes of three women we see Somalia fall.

And all this month we focus on some of the treasures available in Britain all year round and free of cost. We asked our guests - this week it's Kevin Jackson, Kamila Shamsie and Dreda Say Mitchell - to select just one picture from the National Gallery's permanent collection for a kind of fine art equivalent of A Good Read.

Producer: Anne-Marie Cole.