On this episode of Saturday Mourning Cartoons, we're busy trying to figure out what's been scratching inside our walls for the last few weeks. Turns out, it's a civilization of miniature mouse-like people called The Littles. They totally built a full-on city on our apartment's foundation, complete with tiny furniture, vehicles, and houses of their own. It'd be delightful if it didn't make us question our sanity. So big thanks to Benjamin Schyan for the listener suggestion this week since it staved off our cabin fever for just a little bit longer.

The 80s animated series The Littles also boasted a feature-length animated film titled Here Come the Littles. We watched both the movie and the series premiere for this episode, because we're gluttons for punishment we wanted to give Ben the best bang for his buck. It ended up being one of the silliest episodes we've ever made, so we hope you enjoy!


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Dave Trumbore

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrClawMD
Buy the book 'The Science of Breaking Bad' - https://mitpress.mit.edu/books/science-breaking-bad

Sean Paul Ellis

IG and twitter @seanpaulellis
Performer at Washington Improv Theater where you can find tickets and times.
The Bureau podcast: https://tunein.com/podcasts/Comedy-Podcasts/The-Bureau-p1290704/

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