What happens when you "Land of the Lost" of football team and immediately make them accept that they are Knights with Pokémon shields?  You get the cartoon King Arthur and the Knights of Justice.  Thankfully, Khelan Bhatia and Brent Wingate from the Homo Superior podcast have joined Sean to discuss.  KNIGHTS! 





Want to find our guests online?

Khelan Bhatia

Listen to the Homo Superior podcast  - Click here to listen
Follow Homo Superior on twitter @homosuperiorX
Find Homo Superior on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/h0m0superiorpodcast/
Khelan DJs at Trade and Number 9 - http://tradebardc.com/ http://numberninedc.com/
Twitter - @khelanb
Instagram - @khelanb

Brent Wingate

Brent produces and edits an Instagram show about realty tips and advice called Getting Housed with Paul Basto and you can find it by following @paulbastorealtor on Instagram
Listen to the Homo Superior podcast  - Click here to listen
Instagram but do NOT follow him, this is for creeping only - @mrbrentwingate


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