Fairy Tales, nursery rhymes, and parables...oh, my!  We're talking about the short lived cartoon Mother Goose and Grimm today and Sean is bring back Chris Ulrich and Joe Randazzo to talk about themes and influences from today's cartoon.





Want to find our guests online?

Joe Randazzo

Performing improv comedy with Double Date on April 15  Look for tickets on WITDC.org
Performing with Jive Turkey at Busboys and Poets - https://www.busboysandpoets.com/
Directs and performing in an upcoming Fringe show called 'The Heist' in July 2019 - find more https://www.capitalfringe.org/

Chris Ulrich

Performing improv comedy with Jive Turkey (with Joe) at WIT Look for tickets on WITDC.org
Performing improv comedy with Double Date on April 15  Look for tickets on WITDC.org
Learn more about body language - http://www.cuinthemoment.com/
Chris is a teacher at the DC Improv
Performing in the show 'Frenemies'  at The Unified Scene Theater - http://www.unifiedscenetheater.com


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