Emily Bernard holds a B. A. and Ph. D. in American Studies from Yale University.

Her work has appeared in The American Scholar, The Boston Globe Magazine, Creative Nonfiction, Green Mountains Review, Oxtford American, Ploughshares, TheNew Republic, and theatlantic.com.

Her essays have been reprinted in Best American Essays, Best African American Essays, and Best of Creative Nonfiction.

Her first book, Remember Me to Harlem: The Letters of Langston Hughes and Carl Van Vechten, was a New York Times Notable Book of the Year.

She has received fellowships and grants from Yale University, Harvard University, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Vermont Arts Council, the Vermont Studio Center, and The MacDowell Colony.

A contributing editor at The American Scholar,

Emily is the Julian Lindsay Green and Gold Professor of English at the University of Vermont.