They are available in shops now with many varieties available including a good producer 'Cama Rosa'.
Now’s the time to put the beds together:
After all the rain you can quickly assess where the garden is prone to inundation (not good!)
Be careful not to compact the soil when it’s soaking wet – aerate it and add organic matter
Weed-free; (no blinking TWITCH!!!); good drainage; slightly raised.
Work in good, rotted compost so it’s all nice and fluffy.
Mulch is seriously important to keep ripening berries off the soil (Rots!!)
Dark compost mulch with perhaps some barley straw on top of that.
Anything to keep fruit off the soil: bark, crushed shell, gravel, weedmat??? 
I’d rather use straw or fine bark.
NETTING is also very important: birds!!
Either build a low cage so you can drape bird net over the top, or use hoops to make a netted space
Keep the patch weed-free as it reduces shading and competition in the root zone.
If you haven’t got a lot of space, use a large wooden box to grow them in;
at least 25 cm deep.
Fill it with good potting mix and let the strawberries “hang over the edge, if you like.
Disadvantage of this method is you have to water them constantly, especially when the rain has stopped and temperatures are rising!